Q'tiba Rafiyah

"I follow the beat of my own rhythm... and never again to one forced upon me."

A former concubine and once robbed of her own free will, Q'tiba was given a new lease on life by the heroics of the Mysterium she now follows. She is a cheerful girl who loves to artistically express herself, whether that is by song, dance, or unique self-expression. She harbors a unique power she does not yet quite understand, but is determined to use it to help her new home.

Open to all walk-up RP
Q'tiba is a part of the Legatum Mysteria organization.


Name: Q'tiba Rafiyah
Birth Name: Ab'tiba Rafiyah
Age: 22
True Age: 32
Race: Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te
Gender: Female
Nameday: 3rd Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon
Relationship: Learning to love with Alexandre Laxley
Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Dancer, Entertainer, Kriegstanz Student

+ Charismatic | Caring | Sweet | Steadfast | Determined
- Nonchalant | Raw | Confrontational | Vulnerable | Overly-Empathetic

Tiba's clothes trend towards her favorite colors of red and pink, the catte generally sporting clothing in those colors along with a headpiece or ribbon matching her attire. She enjoys feeling trendy, and so most of her clothing tends to be newer fashions from the weaver's guild. Her hair is rarely seen without some sort of ribbon, a habit that others in the Mysterium gently tease her about.
Physically, she is well fit and honed - a result of her continued practice with dance. She bears a black tattoo down her left cheek, the remnant of the slave mark that magically bound her before she was freed.She typically tends towards a 'girl next door' aesthetic, her cheerful personality endearing her to those who get to know her, and her playful and joking nature makes her a welcome addition to any party... adventuring or otherwise.

Art | Traveling | Humor | Dances of all kinds | Lighthearted teasing and the people who take it in stride. | Parties

Slavers | Stuffy occasions | Lectures | Life or Death situations

Following in the footsteps of famed Kriegstanz teacher N'foti Tia, Tiba has been studying the Wardancer's art ever since she came to reside at the Mysterium. A quick study, Tiba's ability in the discipline has allowed her to begin accompanying other Mysterium members on a variety of missions as a junior member. Capable of augmenting her allies or utilizing her deadly chakrams in a pinch, Tiba is a reliable and promising ally to have in dangerous situations.

Tiba's past has slowly begun to come to light in recent moons, and the catte is still struggling to understand the unique power as well as her unusual past that she can barely remember as a small child. Still, she takes it one sun at a time and generally remains a positive presence at the Mysterium.


A Monetarist's Trophy
For most of her adolescence and early adulthood, Tiba was enslaved by a corrupt Monetarist known simply by the moniker of 'H'. She was later rescued, but not before 'H' used her as an entertainer and concubine for his wealthy guests. If you were ever at Monetarist parties for some reason... you might have noticed the docile girl with the strange tattoo.

Student of Dance
Tiba loves to dance, and is currently taking lessons from the master of dance himself, N'foti Tia. If you harbor the same love of dance, perhaps you might come across Tiba at a gathering or a show.

Mysterium Agent
Devoted to paying back the people who saved her from her enslavement, Tiba is in the early days of travelling around performing missions for the secretive organization. If you visit the Mysterium, odds are you'll run into her at some point.

Scars of Garlemald
Tiba's early years are still a blur to her, but if you were involved in Garlean facilities as a researcher of scientist for some reason... perhaps you might have heard of project 'Sacred Band' or project 'Genesis'. Both have their ties to Tiba, who spent ten years of her life in suspended animation as a little girl for their research schemes.


I'm open to roleplaying with just about everyone - Veteran or novice RPer alike. I adore walkups and will do my best to reply. Feel free to whisper me if I don't reply, I may have missed your message in the chat scroll.I only have three real notes about my roleplay:Firstly - I am open to just about any sort of collaboration or introduction, including mature and dark themes... but please clear anything dramatic with me beforehand so I can prepare and make sure the idea is a good fit for both of us!Second - Please respect the IC/OOC boundaries. While I am open to the idea of character romance (and it is my favorite trope!), it is important to distinguish between IC and OOC. I am happily married IRL, and trying to push anything that happens between Tiba and your character into an IRL context is the swiftest way to ensure I never want to roleplay with you again.Third - I generally try to stay lore compliant in a public setting to avoid breaking anybody's immersion. FFXIV has a very rich lore, but I am also a firm believer in the 'rule of cool'. My stories might take some creative liberties in regards to various undefined aspects of the lore. The Legatum Mysteria typically has plots that touch on some of the vaguer bits of lore and interpret them. If you prefer only to deal in absolutes in lore, please note that prying into Tiba's backstory may not be the greatest fit for you. Otherwise, I absolutely love when others try to learn more about my characters and I will attempt to return the favor of your own character's history!


This section describes some storyline details for potential hooks/walk-up RP.
Standard - Information that a skilled information gatherer could learn with the right contacts.
Hidden - With the right circumstances and a vested interest in Q'Tiba, one could eventually discover clues to these... if they are lucky.
Top Secret - Very few people know this information, please ask before using in RP.


Teacher's Favorite - Tiba's godfather is the famous Kriegstanz teacher, N'foti Tia. He rescued her early on in her young life and has watched over the girl ever since her freedom.Hunted by Garleans - Tiba has been hunted for a long time by the disgraced Garlean scientist, Gemini Van Draius. Given the fervor by which the scientist hunts the poor girl, it is unlikely that his motives are charitable.


Real Tribe - Q'tiba's real tribe was the ill-fated 'Ab' tribe from which her unique ability was hereditary. Her tiny tribe was subdued and slowly driven extinct by Garlean experiments.Former Slave - Tiba spent most of her adolescence and young adulthood as a concubine and servant to a devious monetarist known simply by the letter 'H'. Using an enchanted slave tattoo (The mark she still bears on her cheek), 'H' was able to completely remove Tiba's free will. She was eventually freed by the Mysterium, but the scars linger.

Top Secret

Conduit - Q'tiba's unique ability is the power to tether her aether to another individual. This empowers the individual with whatever they need most in the moment, whether that is physical augmentation for a battle, emotional support, or injury stabilization. However this ability comes at a cost. If Tiba is not careful or does not know the person well, they can overwhelm the link and subdue the woman's free will. Thus, she tends to only use this power on those she really trusts or in an emergency.Lost Years - Q'tiba spent close to a decade of her life in hibernation in a Garlean facility. Contained within a hibernation pod as a little girl while Garlean scientists were deciding how best to exploit her tethering ability, she was eventually rescued, though that freedom would prove short-lived.